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Guides to Using the Catalog

These guides will help you use the new features available in our catalog. If you can’t find a solution here to a problem you’re having with the new system, our librarians can help you. Contact an adult services librarian (631-941-4080 / askus@emmaclark.org) or a children’s librarian (631-941-4080 / kids@emmaclark.org) for further assistance.

Creating a Password

STEP 1. Click ‘LOG IN to view your account’
STEP 2. Type the Barcode from the back of your library card.
STEP 3. Type a password (of your choosing) into the “Password” field.
STEP 4. Click Login or press Enter.
STEP 5. You will be asked to re-enter your new password for verification.
STEP 6. Click Login or press Enter.


Creating a Username, adding an Email Address or Requesting Text Message Alerts
These features are all optional, but you may find them convenient. You can create a personalized username to use to check your account or place holds. No need to memorize your barcode! From this screen, you can also update your contact information and sign up for text message alerts.


Checking your record, renewing items and monitoring holds
Check your account online to see what items you have checked out, item due dates and the status of your holds.


Paying Fines Online
Library Fines and Fees over $1.00 may be paid online from home or from select in-house computers using Mastercard, Visa, Discover, or PayPal.


Searching the Catalog
Search for items in Emma Clark Library’s catalog.


Placing Holds
After searching through the catalog, you can easily request the items that you want.


Requesting Items from Other Libraries
If you do not find what you are looking for in Emma Clark’s catalog, you can broaden your search to the rest of the Suffolk County Consortium of public libraries.


Reading History
You can opt-in to keep and access a reading history, a list of all of the items that have been checked out on your library card.


Saving Your Searches and “Preferred Searches”
If you have a favorite author or subject for which you often search when using the catalog, you can save the search with the click of a button for future use.